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【写作练习】People Watching



I see a tall African woman, her hair meticulously combed and tied with a colourful headband. Her eyes gazed straight ahead, her expression solemn.
When the train passed over a bridge, shadows of the metal railings and overhangs on the close side of the bridge grazed over her face - it was a rare sunny day.

I look back at the window across from me. The water is a pretty shade of blue (Lagoon something? Not aquamarine, not Königblau, but also something familiar). Suddenly I see a bright reflection of white out of the corner of my eye: she is wiping her eyes - dabbing them gently, to be exact. --Is she crying?
I stole another glance. She is adjusting her headband back into place, across her forehead.
I begin to imagine her life story, but couldn't escape stereotypes, or friends of African descent that I know of.
Then she yawned.

There's a bus station across the street, with five middle school or high school students waiting. Out of some coincidence they are exactly the same height.

On Tuesday I sat next to a very elegant (chic) old lady - I would like that short pixie hair cut when my hair turns completely white. She was reading Ernest Hemingway.
I remember enjoying reading For Whom the Bell Tolls in Spanish class, some 8 years ago, when the rest of the class was watching Finding Nemo for the 50th time...
She gazes out the winder every few pages, looking lost in thoughts.
When I left the bus I saw she had delicate blue eyes under a pair of light lilac reading glasses



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